Friday, June 14, 2013

OpenFlow enables Federated PaaS to become Next Control Plane for the InterCloud

The Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) layer is becoming the most strategic and innovative part of the Cloud computing stack. Large data centers that are used by cloud infrastructure providers such as Amazon are becoming more numerous and cloud capacity is being built up in every large city of the world. Cloud infrastructure is becoming less centralized and more distributed on a regional basis. This new distributed cloud model applies to private clouds, public clouds, or a hybrid of the two that includes cloud bursting and brokering capabilities. The PaaS layer provides the glue or federation for the cloud as application components are distributed across different cloud infrastructure. A messaging framework known as a service bus enables the application components to communicate with each other. In the new distributed cloud model the WAN or Internet is a critical piece of cloud infrastructure that has previously been “assumed” to be over-provisioned and always available, reliable, and secure.  Just as the Internet has transformed the world as a global network of networks, the “InterCloud” is now evolving as a “world of many clouds”. In other words, a federation of many clouds that will be transformational for the next generation of distributed SaaS applications for cloud services. Technologies such as OpenFlow and Software Defined Networking (SDN) hold the promise of enabling a new control plane for the Wide Area Network (WAN). The Federated PaaS will become the next generation Operational Support System (OSS) to orchestrate a distributed mesh of federated cloud nodes for cloud scale and high availability. The automated policy system of the PaaS will respond to events as an OSS and then make changes to the flows of cloud applications across the Internet to ensure an exceptional cloud user experience. 

The notion of “federation” is an evolution of Grid and Mesh Computing. A grid architecture is a computational network infrastructure based on a cooperative use of the different computing resources connected by the Internet. Mesh networks have also evolved with grid computing to help connect distributed nodes and enable automatic reconfiguration when faults occur, broken connections happen, or nodes disappear. Cloud infrastructure has enabled applications to operate on the lowest-cost servers and scale up or down additional compute power when needed. Cloud application developers will still have more specialized requirements for some of their application components that may require specialized infrastructure for CPU intensive operations or for greater performance to reduce latency in user response times.  With cloud providers building data centers in all the major cities across the world, cloud computing is becoming less centralized and more regionally available. Cloud infrastructure in the InterCloud model will be defined to any place you can find compute, storage, and a network: in a central data center, a regional data center, in future routers/switches in telecom network, and in mobile devices such as your cell phone or PC. In the future this will even be in cloud-connected automobiles.

To connect the world of the InterCloud a “Federated PaaS Model” will be required. This is one of the three models that CloudAve contributor Krishnan Subramanian discusses as a trend in the enterprise PaaS space. He distinguishes three models of service delivery: the Heroku Model, the Amazon Model, and the Federated PaaS Model.  New Federated PaaS systems will emerge that can enable distributed cloud applications to be placed into a federated mesh architecture across many different clouds using an automated policy system. Automated policies will determine how the distributed cloud scales, how live-live copies of app components will be replicated across multiple cloud locations for high availability, and multiple layers of policy will check messages between app components for security and compliance. A federated cloud cloud will understand the location of the user through the GPS on their phone and uses their location as input to a load balancing algorithm, and like an amoeba it will shape the geographic distribution of the cloud to respond to the need for more resource or better performance. The Federated PaaS becomes the foundation for the next generation of SaaS mobile cloud services. The intelligence baked into the automated policy system of the Federated PaaS can move application components and their complementary storage fabric closer to the user for lower latency, better response times, and improved customer experience. This not only is cached content as found in the Akamai model, but could include rendering algorithms or analytics. The PaaS layer can also respond to events and enable dynamic changes to the cloud to protect the cloud user experience. This could include the ability to scale up (provision) additional compute or storage resources to respond to load. In the future the PaaS will serve as an Operational Support System (OSS) to make adjustments to the “flows” of cloud services across the Internet.
The last missing component to this evolution of the Intercloud is the network resource component of the Internet. In the data center, server capacity was being over-provisioned for peak loads. Cloud computing solved that problem with cloud scaling. Today the WAN connection and Internet network pipes are still being overprovisioned to handle peak traffic loads. Service providers over-provision their network capacity for unpredictable spikes in traffic loads. This is the next problem for cloud computing to solve. The Federated PaaS will become part of the next generation of Operational Support Systems (OSS) to not only federate application nodes across the Internet, but serve as a control plane for the end-to-end network connections (flows) between federated cloud nodes and to mobile end users of cloud services. In other words the Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) layer of cloud computing will understand the application requirements for cloud services and provide additional control over the wide area network (WAN) connection between federated data centers, to branch offices, and to connected mobile users. The Federated PaaS system will be the control plane for the InterCloud. 

In the OpenFlow model, the Federated PaaS will become what is known as a “controller” for critical WAN network points.  These control points will typically be network entry points known as ingress or egress points.  These can be at the edge of the data center where new federated nodes are created in the InterCloud. They can also be at the other end of the connection at the edge of the last mile of user connectivity. Behind the mobile cell tower base stations, at aggregation points for fixed high speed broadband or where enterprise branch office connections enter the network. In Software Defined Networks which use the OpenFlow protocol, the controller interacts with an OpenFlow-enabled switch or router to identify packets that are associated with a “flow” (a connection) and perform operations on those packets. An OpenFlow operation may be to change the destination (IP Address of destination app server) of the flow or to reprioritize the TOS bits to give the flow higher priority in the processing queues of edge routers. OpenFlow can also be used to configure a L3 tunnel or GRE tunnel and then direct packets into the tunnel. The automated policy system of a federated PaaS will scale out and replicate application nodes across the InterCloud. When the PaaS provisions a host in a cloud provider as a new federated node, it will understand the functional requirements of the application component in the cloud node (storage, analytics, processing, ingest) and the connection (WAN) requirements. The PaaS will create a new cloud node, add it to the federated cloud, and then use OpenFLow to configure the connection (or flow) properties for that node. This could include building a secure tunnel for the cloud services to flow through. The PaaS as an Operational Support System (OSS) can also monitor the cloud and ensure that those connections are operating within the thresholds required for an exceptional user experience. If the WAN connection is not meeting the needs of the cloud application, the PaaS will be able to use OpenFlow to modify a flow at a critical point in the network either by changing its path or increasing the cloud flow’s packet priority. Another option is that the Federated PaaS may determine the cloud node is not in an optimal location and clone a copy in a different cloud somewhere else,  begin using that app component in the federated cloud mesh, then kill (scale down) the first node that is not performing well. The automated policy system of the PaaS will be a critical Operational Support System (OSS) and foundational layer of the cloud stack to enable the cloud to reconfigure and relocate to ensure a secure, reliable, available, and responsive user experience for cloud services. 

The next generation of cloud Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications will operate over a world of many clouds. Cloud SaaS applications will become more distributed as in the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) model to take advantage of the world of many clouds (the InterCloud). The Federated PaaS layer will sit underneath the distributed SaaS application in the cloud stack to ensure cloud scale, fault tolerance and high availability, and to manage secure and reliable network connections (cloud flow management). The Federated PaaS layer will become the control plane for software defined networks and leverage the OpenFlow protocol as an enabling technology for the next generation network. The automated policy system of the PaaS will orchestrate the federation of distributed cloud nodes, including the management of cloud flows across the network.  The PaaS as an OSS will monitor and respond to events such as threshold crossing alarms to make adjustments to cloud flows across the network or even relocate cloud nodes to locations with better connections to protect the end user experience of future cloud SaaS applications.

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